共為你找到:187筆networking solutions 相關企業資訊
MIL was founded on the principles of compassion, creativity and awareness. Always keeping God in mind, we aim to provide better and more sustainable design to everyday products. Our products explore new technology to elevate our standard of living through creative solutions. Our company values responsibility and innovation and hopes to show this dedication through our work. Explore and Design to fulfill the needs of lives. It is our goal. We design around people with creativity and responsibility to elevate our living standard in every detail. This is the core value and believed of Magicland Industrial Limited. When This new material (Magisticker™) was introduced to us, its “environmental friendly”, "reusable" and "easy on, easy off" characteristics have inspired us to appreciate Its unique functionality, therefore, step by step, we have implied it into everyday living products. In the beginning of 2009, we have MAGISTICKER™/MAGICSTICKER™ for our first product line.
Nernstek created with the entry into the specialty engineeredmaterials business. Over the past 10 years, we have transformed and grown through innovation, strategic acquisitions and overseas investments into a global business in Engineered Materials. Nernstek solutions are a key part of products you and thousands of others interact with every day, such as adhesive tapes, sponges, conductive materials, thermal interface/pad, EMI absorbers, EMI shielding materials and other innovative products. Our application universe is immense and covers industries such as computers, automotive, telecommunications, medical equipment and any kinds of electric equipments. For more than 10 years Nernstek has helped customers solve and overcome engineering challenges. Our passion, vision and focus today, is to help customers differentiate the engineered key concept of their products so they become easier to sell and use by the end users. We strive to realize this vision by investing in a strong technical sales and marketing team backed by engineering and operational excellence.
About PLX PLX Technology, Inc. (NASDAQ: PLXT), based in Sunnyvale, Calif., USA, is an industry-leading global provider of semiconductor-based connectivity solutions primarily targeting the enterprise and consumer markets. The company develops innovative software-enriched silicon that enables product differentiation, reliable interoperability and high performance.www.plxtech.com.
Pulse, a Technitrol (NYSE: TNL) Company, is a worldwide leader in electronic component and subassembly design and manufacturing. Pulses wide array of power and signal products are used in computing, networking and communications, power conversion, defense, aerospace, automotive, and consumer electronics. With state-of-the-art custom designs and catalog products, Pulse is a complete source for electronic OEMs, contract manufacturers, and ODMs. Pulse is a participating member of IEEE, ATIS, ETSI, HDMI, the DSL Forum, CommNexus, and MoCA. 新加坡商普思電子有限公司台灣分公司於1999年成立,主要業務為代理新加坡之母公司銷售產品.本公司隸屬於美商Technitrol集團下之Pulse集團,其子公司遍及全世界,是一家高道德之公司,遵照政府法令及相關政策來經營.Technitrol全球員工背景多樣。我們尊重這種差異,並爲世界各地每位Technitrol員工之積極工作而喝采。 經營運作和員工多樣化是公司的發展基石。無論處在何地,我們都是一個全球性的本地公司。
Telmar Network Technology is a market leading provider of communications products and services to OEMs, enterprise and network service providers worldwide. For over 40 years, we have delivered compelling communications solutions to help our customers expand and maintain their networks. Our Network Support solutions such as multi-vendor repair, spares management, asset management programs and 24/7 technical assistance, allow service providers and OEMs to streamline their processes, reduce cost and focus critical resource on core business. Our OEM solutions extend the life of the product lines we have acquired by continuing legacy product development, and adding new features and enhancements. Telmar delivers the highest quality Supply solutions such as new and certified pre-owned products, asset disposition & consignment as well as customized logistics & warehousing programs which reduce our customer’s capital and operational spend, without comprising network reliability or performance. Headquartered in Plano, Texas, Telmar has over 800 employees in 14 countries around the world.
一宇數位科技股份有限公司 (Learningdigital.com, INC) 創立於2000年。我們致力於為企業與知識工作者提供多元的、容易使用的數位學習環境,藉以加速知識的學習與擴散,進而提昇個人及組織的競爭力。我們秉持「把客戶當成合作夥伴」的精神,創立至今專案結案「零失誤」。我們的Orcacenter人才發展系列產品,更獲得眾多標竿企業的採用與肯定。公司總部位於台灣台北,除了在台灣高雄設置分公司外,為了擴大服務兩岸三地的客戶群,更於2007年增設上海及北京辦事處。 代表客戶: 中華航空, 兆豐銀,中國信託, 中華汽車,中華郵政, 合作金庫, 永豐金控, 華南銀, 寶來證, ING安泰人壽, 台灣人壽, 聯華電子, 力晶半導體, 華亞科,茂德科,世界先進, 日月光, 矽品,采鈺科技, 東元電機, 明基, SPARQ, 信義房屋, 刑事警察局, 財政部,陸軍7所兵科學校,KIA, 資生堂,大陸三菱電梯,外專局,默克藥廠等等超過百家以上兩岸標竿客戶. 一宇數位科技隸屬於嘉惠集團(Knovia)。 Knovia集團是兩岸三地學習與人才發展最大的公司,投入學習科技相關人員超過250人. 旗下關係企業包含: 一宇數位, 嘉惠科技, 勝典科技, IMI國際管理學院, 上海嘉實科技, 北京任達鴻教育科技發展有限公司. 我們的優勢: 1. 客戶認同:眾多標竿企業使用, 並擁有最多五年以上產品持續使用率。 2.專業服務: 定期舉辦數位學習課程,為客戶持續培養數位學習人才; 而且是同業唯一提供客戶24H線上專案即時支援系統。 3. 技術創新: 唯一以使用者為中心的Web 2.0平台。經歷最多家萬人以上企業實際效能考驗。 4. 產品完整:Orcacenter Solutions創新Web 2.0應用,建構新世代企業大學。 5.兩岸三地:跨區學習,在地服務。 6.雲端服務:企業學習,全球隨選服務。 ● 用心出發、以人為本 一宇數位堅信,只有不斷致力於拉近人們與科技之間的距離,才能輕鬆擁抱科技、享受無負擔的學習。因此抱持「User Friendly」的理念發展平台,為使用者設計出最簡潔有效的管理流程以及最友善的使用介面。避免企業在辛苦投資大量成本之後,產生使用上的困難,而延誤計畫時間、降低學員的使用意願。 ● 踏實專業、前瞻創新 ? 一宇數位堅持一步一腳印,在專注開發平台功能的完善和創新之際,同時立基於發展成熟且多樣化的紮實技術,讓客製化的彈性始終領先同業。 此外,隨著現今關注於訓練、職能與績效的整合管理,一宇數位秉承一貫不浮誇、不賣弄噱頭的踏實理念,與專業顧問充分合作下,全面性地建制對實務有所助益的系統模組。 ● 秉持雙贏、深耕價值 一宇數位期許「自我超越」、「追求雙贏」,讓客戶與我們共同在數位學習及人才發展的領域上取得領先位置。所以我們不僅是提供平台、軟體以及後續維護、服務的廠商,更是您在數位學習和人才發展上永遠的好夥伴。因此,我們不計成本開設相關課程、用心經營社群以建立意見交流平台,以及不遺餘力地整合專業顧問無形的知識融入有形的系統平台。
本公司於1995年成立,推出全國第一套積木式概念之APOLLO系列遙控器自推出至今,承蒙各代理,經銷商及一般使用者與政府機構、同業的支持與愛護,使我們得以不斷的創新改良,精益求精,並於2000年推出高階機種HERCULES系列,其功能讓使用者更輕鬆掌握多段及無段變速,可完全掌握駕駛室的所有功能,2003年推出防爆系列機種(d2G4),2005年再度推出CUPID系列,簡易方便好操作型工業無線遙控系列,全系列皆通過出產嚴格測試,且通過歐盟CE美國FCC等多國認證。 3-Elite’ mission is to become a global leading design and wholesale manufacturing service Provider of industrial radio remote control solutions in different fields for worldwide system integrators or clone partners locally     3-Elite with the 15 Years of innovation expertise and experience, we will strive to serve worldwide system integration customers.   We not only produce radio remote control, but also sell other parts as long as you can see around the factory. For example, crane and its accessory.
Soundwin Network is dedicated to develop advanced voice / video /data access triple play devices such us ATA / VoIP Gateway / High-end Home Gateway over SIP protocol for SOHO/Enterprise/ITSP. Soundwin Philosophy Soundwin designs its VoIP solutions and SIP protocol without cutting the PSTN cord. Soundwin Product are built with these five characteristics: Superior and reliable voice and video quality over internet. Interoperability with other products Products that are easy to install, use, and manage Total solution in video and voice network product Open architectures and standards compliance VoIP網路語音及影像傳輸的誕生,顛覆了傳統的溝通方式,而Internet的力量更創造語音Voice、影像Video媒體Media的無限可能,以自有品牌Soundwin創立於2004年的上盈通訊,積極投入VoIP網路語音傳輸設備研發,對全球市場趨勢保持敏銳的觀察力,以創新服務、提供客戶所需要的解決方案。 上盈通訊所服務的客戶皆是國內知名網通廠;上盈為品牌網通廠研發ODM產品,或是為國內外電信公司客製化語音網路產品等。透過與世界大廠合作完成專案的過程中,接觸到最新的市場發展動態及技術,並累積實力。 軟體硬體研發團隊方向: 以Embedded Linux 為開發平台,投注SIP通訊協定應用開發,並以VoIP為核心技術,開發市場高附加價值產品。 在 VoIP 產品開發上,上盈通訊軟體工程團隊不斷持續開發出功能眾多、不用額外鋪設電話網路、且擴充彈性極佳的IP交換機系統。此外,數位化語音在搭配各種網路應用服務後,將可發展多種擴充功能如多方會議、自動話務分配、即時管理與監控、自動產生通話紀錄與報表等,增加系統的附加價值。 另一方面,有好的聲音品質及穩定的產品是VoIP產品的基礎,因此投入資源於硬體數位及類比電路研發,使VoIP的電話介面SLIC及DAA晶片效能更能發揮。 市場行銷方針及市場定位: 與國內外VoIP市場ITSP或是SI建立長久通路,針對國內外市場提供客製化VoIP產品服務及高附加價值產品。 藉由參加國外資訊通訊展如漢諾威Cebit展,新加坡CommunicAsia,杜拜Gitex展,台北Comuptex展,西班牙SIMO展,芝加哥NXTcomm展建立國外通路。
開發 行銷 iPhone/iPod/iPad , Android平板電腦和電腦周邊相關產品. Our expert team is a full range service in IT and trading business, offering variety solutions to clients for global IT product SCM and trading platforms. We have been helping our clients to do business and manage their products for more than 15 years. Our business has been built upon the trustworthy relationship by our customers for long term corporation
亞東工業氣體股份有限公司 (Air Liquide Far Eastern) 係由全球第一大工業氣體公司- 法國 AIR LIQUIDE 集團與遠東新世紀集團 (Far Eastern)於1987年合資設立於台灣。Air Liquide 目前在全球75個國家,設有135個分公司,員工人數高達43,000人。同時名列美國財星雜誌 (Fortune Magazine) 人才最嚮往的企業雇主之一。 亞東公司名列天下雜誌國內前400大企業排名,於台灣主要營業活動為供應電子業、一般工業和醫療產業客戶所需之高純度氣體, 化學品及相關系統設計等全方位的解決方案。 目前在台員工人數約350人, 服務據點遍及台北、新竹、竹北、台中、高雄以及各大科學園區。台灣公司網址: www.tw.airliquide.com, 全球網址: www.airliquide.com Air Liquide is the World Leader in Industrial and Medical gases. We have 43,000 employees with global presence in more than 75 countries and 135 subsidiaries. Air Liquide Far Eastern is a joint venture of Air Liquide and Far Eastern Group in Taiwan. There are 350 employees islandwide with office location in Taipei, Hsinchu, Chupei, Taichung and Kaoshiung to provide time-to-market service to all customers at different geographical areas. In addition, we have operated more than 20 Air Seperation Units and High Purity Nitrogen production facilities in all major Science-based Industrial Parks. We provide State-of-art high purity gases, services, equipments and solutions to a wide variety of industries. Our diversified customer profiles can be categorized as: 1. Electronics: Foundry, DRAM, TFT-LCD, etc. 2. Industrial Customers: Glass Manufacturing, Fine Chemical, Metal fabrication, Food preservation, Welding, Laboratories and Transportation, etc. 3. Large Industries: Petrochemical, Co-generation, Steel makers and Oil-refinery, etc. 4. Healthcare: large-scale Hospitals and homecare, etc. For detailed information about our business offering, please visit: www.airliquide.com
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